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Kimberly Horning


About Kimberly

Kimberly has been immersed in every aspect of innovation and evolution of the research industry over the past couple decades. Today she specializes in marketing research and business strategy predominately for online, high-tech companies. Kimberly launched her US-based consulting practice in 1999. Prior to setting up her consultancy she was the Director of Research Services for Decisive Technology, a pioneer online provider of real-time customer intelligence and market research software. Under Kimberly’s leadership the research division accounted for three-quarters of Decisive’s revenue. Throughout her research career Kimberly has excelled in leading complex projects and advising numerous Fortune 500 clients on their consequent strategic direction including AOL, Microsoft, HP, Apple, Ziff-Davis, Chevron, Nordstrom Charles Schwab, Visa and Sony. Kimberly has been an occasional guest lecturer at Santa Clara University for the MBA Market Research Class and MBA Consulting Group. She has a Master’s Degree from Claremont Graduate School, and a BA from Whittier College.

Kimberly Horning
Kimberly Horning

Why Kimberly loves working in research:

Since I was a little girl, I’ve always been curious, always asking questions, always wanting to know why and I never grew out of that. I’ve worked on both the client and vendor side but being on the vendor side there are always new questions and challenges across multiple industries. We’re constantly being asked and asking about new and different ways of doing things. So, I’m continually learning about all sorts of things, theories, preferences and attitudes that impact how we live and how we will live in the future.

Life outside of research:

Kimberly is an accomplished photographer who’s had one of her shots of Kilimanjaro published in the NY Times. She is a keen ornithologist and was briefly certified as an Assistant Scuba Instructor. Kimberly prefers a real map over GPS/Google maps, loves crosswords but can’t play cards.